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Date of last Page update: December 18, 2020
FAQ Bliss Spafford Hodges

• Your dates are wrong, your names are wrong, your spelling is wrong.
o Maybe, but if you have spent any time researching genealogy, you already know that DOB, DOD are subject to interpretation. Most folks will arrive here through one means or another but findagrave.com is the likeliest place they will hit on first. If they exist on findagrave.com the dates on this site are lined up with the dates that are published on the tombstones. Otherwise estimation based on Census data, or other sources are used. If you think you have better information see the contribute page. As for the names the best attempt to use first name, fiddle name, (maiden name) 1st married name-2nd married name, last name and if known “nickname” is included. There are a lot of folks out there that choose to use their middle name as the proper name, so we try to use the legal names.
• Your photos have incorrectly identified someone.
o Maybe, Ok, if you have better data, photos that can accurately identify someone differently please see the Contribute Page.
• I have photos I would like to share Can you publish them?
o Possibly, if they are related to the Bliss Spafford Hodges family lines, or descendants and are deceased, non-copyrighted works, and you would like to share, Great! Please see the Contribute page.
• Can you put a link to my site?
o If it is related to Genealogy, old family photos or content related to this site, it can be added to the Links page. See the Contact Page.
• Can you put this on Ancestry, or other genealogy sites?
o Those are paid sites, and they serve a purpose, and are a great way to get started. This is primarily a Photo hosting site, and the genealogy related information was derived to help better identify a lot of photos that did not have any identification information. After building an extensive facial database, many lost identities can be established, and confirmed by known relationships, dates and places.
• Are you on Facebook? Instagram? Or other modern Social media?
o No Sorry This is a private website, and there is no interest in having statistical analysis applied to visitors so they can better be targeted by advertising. This is honest-to-goodness real “Old-School” Photo site with Faces and names.


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