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Date of last Page update: December 18, 2020

Contribute to Bliss Spafford Hodges

If you have information, (Corrections, Additions, Photos) related to this site content, and would like to contribute, please use the Contact form to send a message.

We are always looking for photos, and if you would like to contribute to those Great!.

Photos must be Non-Copyrighted work, preferably from your own collections. Credit will be given, or not if you prefer it, or remain anonymous. If you would like to add additional tree data to be tied into the main diagram, that can be accomplished as well. If you have a personal site and would just like to have it linked, send that information, and it can be added to the Links page.

The main purpose of this site is that of a Photo sharing of ancestors, and the Genealogical information is secondary. Many people have contacted us in the past asking about their ancestors, or relatives, so publishing the photos is just another method of sharing that information.


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The Following people are part of the this family photo archive, but unfortunately do not have an associated photo

If you Have photo that you would like to share, or would like to have a link published to an online photo (No Hotlinks Please, unless its your site, and you agree to that usage) please use Contact page

No photos of Living Individuals will be published.

If you surfed in on a search engine with a name use this button to find that name on this page



Alice (Miller) Austin (u-u)
Benjamin J. Brooks (1851-1910)
Burton Thurston Bliss (1900-1988)
Charles Francis Place (1885-1951)
Charles H Carpenter (1864-1931)
David B Creighton (1848-1927)
Donna Jean (Williams) Masho (1938-1999)
Doveanna (Parker) Hodges (1863-1929)
Edna Browning Hawn (1873-1874)
Edwain William Kirk (1861-1935)
Effie Bell Spafford (1866-u)
Eldon Cottrell (u-u)
Elizabeth M (McPhail) Bliss (1892-1978)
Elizabeth M. (Lobdell) Brooks (1849-1909)
Ella Maybery Dale (1869-1951)
Ellsworth "Elmer" Spafford (1862-u)
Francis Adelbert Campbell (1872-1934)
Frank Austin (u-u)
Frank L Woodin (1871-1949)
George Harris Spafford (1856-1942)
George Walter Bliss (1907-1976)
Grace Hoover Nesbit (1883-1958)
Henry J Spafford (1869-u)
Hulda B (Beilke) Carpenter (1866-1907)
Ira Walter Eubanks (1919-2011)
James Waddle (1865-1921)
Jane Baker Bliss (1884-1964)
John Milton Hahn (1866-1870)
Joseph J. Parker (1853-1890)
Lawrence M Bliss (1892-1933)
Louis J Fischer 1889-1986
Orpheus Silenus Mills Rev. (1857-1918)
Redmond Prentice Bliss (1888-1957)
Ruth Madeline (Ritch) Meisner (1916-2006)
Susan M. Boss (1842-u)
Thomas William Steer (1832-1904)
Virginia Reed Bliss (1879-1923)
William Boss (1767-1822)
William Desmond Bliss (1885-1972)